>Raymond Miller

>Went down to local last night for a few beers with some of the boys and ended up chatting to a guy who went to school with my old man.

As a group we had a bit of banter for a good hour and it was cool listening to his stories about his youth and what he got up to in the late 60s. And early 70s.

He even told me he used to go ice skating with my dad and his sister, my aunt Margaret.

Highlight was a story of when he was somewhere near Mauchline, entertaining 'cough' a young lady in a car. Lights off - and a torch flashed up at the car. - it was my Dad out on the beat.

Lol. Brought a chuckle to my face and ended a good night on a high.

- Random tales using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Welton Rd,Mauchline,United Kingdom


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