Week Ahead.. MENTAL!

Mental 7 days ahead. Just finished my WE on, and off tues, should be aff for 2 but working wed as a wedding on thurs. Heading to Ae Forrest on MTB as I missed it week Sat back. -Thurs we have a good pal wedding to attend. Help her celebrate her special day and a rare catch up with a fine group of people I used to work with back at Focus DIY.

Need to work fri, visit, so after staying at the hotel Ill prob have a hang over lol. - Then work Sat, pack then over Sun and Mon an 800 Mile drive to our relations near Amsterdam. - For a weeks hol.

Cars been serviced. Only need the cycle carrier for the roof rack. Sort that wed, pack, wedding, 2 days work, then off for 16 days.





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