10th Anniversary of 9/11

Yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of 9/11. This was marked across the media in various forms and like a lot of people I watched coverage across the news networks.

9/11 happened about 6 weeks before the birth of my first son, Andrew. I can't believe the time that has passed already. Very scary. In those 10 years we had grown older, moved house twice and had another son -Euan.

The people that died that day were robbed of their lives. Where families were ripped apart and scenes of chaos and destruction will always be etched in my memory.

In 2008 I had the fortune of visiting that great city and going to ground zero to witness the birth of the rebuild. The site and area is massive. You can't take into account the size of the area until you see it yourself. A touching legacy for me was witnessing the pictures of missing people that still are pinned up in various locations.

Today I watched various programmes recalling how that day was reported. And also the work that is on-going, 10 years after. The plans are very spectacular.

So in 2011 it was good that they caught and killed that bastard whose name I wont even put on my blog. A monster got what he deserved.

May the victims rest in peace.




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