Iphone4 Sim probs

Well, been a wee while since I updated this… Last Thurs. I required to change my mobile number and I have always had an old payg sim from o2, still active and I made what I thought was a simple call to o2 to change it over. Request was actioned and I was sending/receiving calls and texts within 2 hrs. Great I thought…. no problem..- aha how mistaken I was.

Now I don't claim to be an expert, but I know my way around an IPhone and pc, but for some reason I was unable to log onto 3g/ mobile internet on the phone. So checked settings/ phoned o2/ talked me though.. easy fix's but nothing… This went on till Sunday. Took it into o2 store and they gave me a new sim. Done swap, waited 24hrs still no luck. 4 emails and ANOTHER visit to o2 store and ANOTHER sim swap…- Still nothing.

Last resort was to call Apple. After an 18 min wait, caller talked me though possible issues. Aha – Internet Tethering was active on my phone…. now we were getting somewhere..

It appears that some donkey at o2 activated mobile broadband on my sim (for laptops). This had turned my phone into a modem with no way to turn it off… Only solution as it appears service was ‘stuck’ (i know, very scientific!) was to give me a new number.

So after 5 phone calls, 4 emails and 2 visits to an o2 store we were finally fixed… Only problem is I need to tell the +65 peeps whom I texted my new number to, I need to tell them again!

I'm ducking the sarky comments….


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