IPad Review

Well that's me had the new toy for a week now and just a short blog to say I am well impressed.

Many people have commented on the fact why have I bought it and well I am not surprised. These things are not the cheapest but as I have became a big apple fan in last year it was a natural progression to this.

The iPad was born through the sale of some stuff on eBay and I received it last Tuesday.

I like the fact of how portable it is. Highlights are watching BBC iplayer and the fantastic way of viewing photos on it. As I type this I can hear email arrive and am listening to the Dave Pearce pod cast from last week.

The battery life is amazing. Up to 10 hours.

I have not used the 3G yet. This will only happen as and when I am away anywhere..

Any way most impressive. I will not be letting this baby leave my side.

Cheers, Alex.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad.

Location:Welton Rd,Mauchline,United Kingdom


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