True Friendship Scottish Style.

True Friendship Scottish Style.

When yer sad a will help ye get pished an get the bastard that upset ye.

When yer blue a will try tae dislodge witever is choking ye.

When yer scared a will rip the pish oot ye every chance a get til yer no.

When yer worried a will tell ye how much worse it cud be til ye stop moaning.

When yer sick stay the fuck away fae me.

When ye faw a'l laugh ma fuckin heid aff but a'll help ye up.

This is my oath a pledge it tae the end "why" ye may ask: Coz yer ma pal.

Send this tae 10 of yer closest pals. Then get depressed cause ye can only think o 4.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Welton Rd,Mauchline,United Kingdom


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